OciXCrom's Rank System [XP|Levels|Ranks]

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Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
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OciXCrom's Rank System [XP|Levels|Ranks]

Мнение от OciXCrom » 21 Авг 2018, 15:30

antonstoqnovv написа: 20 Авг 2018, 23:00 Сложих системата с тази за чата,но защо при убийство не дава хп и в чата има само админ префикси без ранковете
Щом пише, че си ниво #0 и не ти показва никакъв ранк, значи или не си добавил никакви рангове в RankSystem.ini или първият ранг не започва от 0 XP, както е обяснено във файла. Предостави конфигурационния файл на плъгина за да видим какво си направил. Недей да ползваш други ранк системи, тъй като тази е най-развита (поне за момента) и се поддържа.
cgozzie написа: 20 Авг 2018, 17:36 Ще добавиш ли още 1 настройка към плъгина,да стане така ако може ето тук си задал така FINAL_LEVEL_FLAGS -- тук можете да сложите флагове, които играчите ще получат при достигане на последното ниво.Искам да стане така от 1 до 30 ранк да мога да слагам да получават флаг който аз си избера според нивото от 1 до 30.Искам да използвам външни плъгини с флагове и да ги получават от ранк системата с зададения там флаг от мен.Дано съм се изразил добре да ме разбереш,стига да може да стане ще ми е полезна тази настройка.
Вече съм изработил такъв плъгин - viewtopic.php?f=21&p=25605

Извън линия
Мнения: 213
Регистриран на: 15 Окт 2017, 10:40
Се отблагодари: 9 пъти
Получена благодарност: 2 пъти

OciXCrom's Rank System [XP|Levels|Ranks]

Мнение от antonstoqnovv » 21 Авг 2018, 16:18


Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

# OciXCrom's Rank System: Configuration file #

# Some of the settings in this file use special keywords that can be found here: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/OciXCrom/RankSystem/blob/info/ini_keywords.html

# You can specify different settings for different maps.
# To do this, type in the map name between dashes. Example: - de_dust2 -
# Everything below that line will be read only on the map de_dust2.
# You can also use map prefixes: - de_* -
# To reset back to all maps, use - #all -

# The prefix that will be used in front of all chat messages from this plugin.
CHAT_PREFIX = &x04[CRXRanks]

# How to save the XP: 0 = Nickname | 1 = IP | 2 = SteamID

# Commands that you can use to check your current XP.
XP_COMMANDS = say /xp, say_team /xp, say /level, say_team /level

# Who can see the message when a player gains a level.
# 0 = disable the message
# 1 = only the player
# 2 = all players

# The sound that is played when a player gains a level.
# You can leave it blank if you don't want any sound to be played.
LEVELUP_SOUND = warcraft3/levelupcaster.wav

# Set it to 0 to disable the screen fade effect when a player gains a level.

# Color for the screen fade effect in RGBA format. You can use -1 for a random value.

# The sound that is played when a player loses a level.
# You can leave it blank if you don't want any sound to be played.
LEVELDN_SOUND = warcraft3/purgetarget1.wav

# Set it to 0 to disable the screen fade effect when a player loses a level.

# Color for the screen fade effect in RGBA format. You can use -1 for a random value.

# The admin flags that players will receive when they reach the final level.
# You can leave it blank if you want to disable this option.

# Users with these flags are considered VIP and will get the extra XP set in the [XP Rewards] section.

# The vault file where the XP will be saved.
# Renaming this will reset everyone's XP.

# If set to 1, XP rewards will be combined for specific events.
# For example: killing a player with a headshot will reward both "kill" and "headshot" XP rewards, rather than only "headshot".

# By changing this setting you can make players able to receive XP only if they are on a specific team.
# The numbers shown below are for CS 1.6. For other games, you will need to find the correct team numbers.
# 0 = disabled | 1 = terrorists | 2 = counter-terrorists

# If greater than 0, player's wont receive any XP if the amount of players in the server is less than the number specified here.

# If set to 1, bots won't be able to receive any XP.

# Set it 0 to disable the HUD that constantly shows your rank and XP on the screen.

# If set to 1, the HUD information will show only when the player is alive.

# This setting is only available if TEAM_LOCK is non-zero.
# If enabled, players won't be able to see the HUD info if they are not on the team set in TEAM_LOCK.
# The same applies for the player they're spectating if HUDINFO_OTHER_PLAYERS is set to 1.

# If set to 1, when dead, players will be able to see the HUD info of the player they are spectating.
# This setting will not work if HUDINFO_ALIVE_ONLY is set to 1.

# HUD info color in RGB format. You can use -1 for a random value.
HUDINFO_COLOR = 106 -1 208

# HUD info coordinates.

# Set it to 1 if you want the HUD info to use be displayed as a DHUD message.

# This is how the HUD information is going to look when the player is on any level except the final one.
HUDINFO_FORMAT = [ XP: $current_xp$/$next_xp$ | Level $level$/$max_levels$: $rank$ ]

# This is how the HUD information is going to look when the player is on the final level.
HUDINFO_FORMAT_FINAL = [ XP: $current_xp$ | Level $level$: $rank$ ]

# Text that is going to be used when an invalid value is passed on the HUD info.

# Set it to 0 to disable HUD messages when the player gets/loses XP.

# Color of XP notifier when the player receives XP.

# Color of XP notifier when the player loses XP.

# XP notifier coordinates.

# Duration of XP notifier messages in seconds.

# Set it to 1 if you want the XP notifier to use DHUD message. Bear in mind that these messages can overlap.

# Here you can add the ranks that players will get according to their XP.
# Start from the lowest with 0 XP to the highest. The number of ranks you can add is unlimited.
# Rank names cannot start with any of these symbols: "#", ";", "-" and "["
# Syntax: rank name = minimum XP needed

Newborn = 0
Learner = 100
KilleR = 250
HitMAN = 500
Ass@ss1n = 750
Ninja = 1000
Scarecr0w = 1250
SWAT = 1650
NegoT1aTor = 2000
Wind FighTeR = 2350
SpY = 2700
M@dm@n = 3100
LuckY 13 = 3550
X7r3m3 = 4200
CreeD = 4800
SAVaGE = 5500
ManiPulaToR = 6050
DeViL = 6666
GuardiaN = 7150
RespecteD = 7800
HeadtakeR = 8550
Dragon Slayer = 9200
10K Champion = 10000
SkyFaLL = 10900
RocketmaN = 11800
MonsteR = 13000
DominatoR = 14500
DemoN SlayeR = 16000
Legendary Player = 17500
ELiTE MasteR = 20000

[XP Rewards]
# In this section you can determine how much XP are players going to receive on different in-game events.
# You can use any weapon name to determine how much XP a player is going to receive when killing another player with that weapon.
# In addition, you can use a bunch of different defined keywords such as "headshot" or "bomb_planted".
# For a full list of keywords, read parts 2 and 3 in the link in the beginning of the file.

# Please note that if USE_COMBINED_EVENTS is set to 1, some of the events will be combined.
# For example: if you kill someone with a headshot with the USP, you will get the XP for "kill", "headshot", and "usp".
# If set to 0, you will get the XP for the event with the highest priority which in the example above is "usp".

# You can set a different amount of XP for users who have the flags set in VIP_FLAGS by separating it with a space.
# Example: kill = 5 7 - this means that regular players will get 5 XP for a kill, while VIP users will get 7.

kill = 5
headshot = 3
knife = 6
grenade = 4
bomb_planted = 8
bomb_defused = 8
teamkill = -7

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

# Chat Manager by OciXCrom: Configuration file #

# Colors: &x01 (DEFAULT), &x03 (TEAM COLOR); &x04 (GREEN); &x05 (WHITE); &x06 (BLUE); &x07 (RED)
# Combining two or more team colors is NOT POSSIBLE in CS 1.6: &x03, &x05, &x06, &x07 - only ONE of these can be used inside a message.

[Main Settings]
# If set to 1, all players will see all chats independent of whether they are dead or alive, excluding the other team's private chat.
# If set to 2, all players will see all chats, including the opposite team's private chat.

# Players with these flags will see all chats at all time, including all team chats.

# If the message starts with any of these symbols, it will be hidden in chat. Example: @, /, !

# Prefixes for dead and alive players. Yes, you can set a prefix like *ALIVE* too.

# Team prefixes that are usually shown in the team chat, in brackets.
TEAM_PREFIX_T = Terrorist
TEAM_PREFIX_CT = Counter-Terrorist

# Text that will show when the plugin can't detect a player's location when using geoip.

# Time formatting when $time$ is used. More info here: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime/

# This is the file where chat messages will be logged. If you want to disable logging, leave this setting blank.
CHAT_LOG_FILE = chatmanager.log

# Format to use for the chat logs. Formats are defined in the [Format Definitions] section.

# Here you can set a sound that will play when a message is written in chat. If it's blank, no sound will be played.

[Format Definitions]
# In this section you can define chat formats that you can assign to different users in the [User Formats] section.
# You should create a different format for the say and say_team chat, if you don't wan't them to look the same.
# You can use the following placeholders: $admin_prefix$, $dead_prefix$, $team$, $name$, $custom_name$, $ip$, $steam$, $userid$, $chat_color$, $message$, $time$
# You can also use these, but they need to be enabled in the .sma file first: $health$, $armor$, $frags$, $deaths$, $city$, $country$, $country_code$, $continent$, $continent_code$
# Using OciXCrom's Rank System gives you access to even more placeholders: $rank$, $current_xp$, $next_xp$, $level$, $next_level$, $next_rank$. Only the first one is enabled by default.
# To enable an additional placeholder, simply locate the #define ARG_ line in the beginning of the .sma file and uncomment it (remove //), then recompile the plugin.
# Syntax: format name = format style

format_admin = $dead_prefix$ &x04[$rank$] $admin_prefix$ &x03$custom_name$ &x01: $chat_color$$message$
format_admin_team = $dead_prefix$ ($team$) &x04[$rank$] $admin_prefix$ &x03$custom_name$ &x01: $chat_color$$message$
format_player = $dead_prefix$ &x04[$rank$] &x03$custom_name$ &x01: $chat_color$$message$
format_player_team = $dead_prefix$ ($team$) &x04[$rank$] &x03$custom_name$ &x01: $chat_color$$message$

log_say = [ $ip$ | $steam$ ] $dead_prefix$ $name$: $message$
log_team = [ $ip$ | $steam$ ] ($team$) $dead_prefix$ $name$: $message$

# In the sections down below you can set different prefixes, chat colors and custom names for each player or a group of players.
# You can add an unlimited amount of these extras. Each new extra needs to be added on a new line in the correct section.
# Bear in mind that the extras that are higher in the list have priority over the ones below them.
# This means that if a player for example meets the requirements for 2 or more prefixes, he will receive the one that's first in the list.
# In the syntaxes, you will find a parameter called "type". This parameter can be one of the following: flag, name, ip, steam, anyflag or noprefix.
# If it's set to "flag" (or "flags"), the plugin will check if the player has ALL of the admin flags set in the "info" parameter. You can set multiple flags instead of only one.
# The "name", "ip" and "steam" settings will check if the player's name, IP or SteamID is equal to the one set in the "info" parameter.
# When set to "anyflag", it will check if the player has ANY of the admin flags specified in the "info" parameter.
# Setting it to "noprefix" will check if the player doesn't have a prefix set. The "info" parameter doesn't have a function in this case, so you can leave it blank.
# If you're using OciXCrom's Rank System, you can also use the parameter "level" to check the user's level.

[Admin Prefixes]
# Here you can add custom prefixes to specific players or flags that are shown when using $admin_prefix$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "prefix"

"name" "OciXCrom" "[Scripter]"
"steam" "STEAM_0:0:50153248" "[CM Creator]"
"ip" "" "[BOT]"
"flag" "l" "[Head Admin]"
"flag" "d" "[Server Admin]"
"flag" "e" "[Test Admin]"
"flag" "mnp" "[Premium]"
"flag" "b" "[VIP]"

[Chat Colors]
# Here you can add different chat colors to specific players or flags that are shown when using $chat_color$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "chat color"

"flag" "e" "&x04"
"flag" "b" "&x03"
"flag" "" "&x01"

[Name Customization]
# Here you can modify the name shown for certain players when using $custom_name$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "custom name"

"name" "OciXCrom" "&x03Oci&x04XC&x03rom"

[Say/Say_Team Formats]
# Here you can specify the chat style for every user or flag.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "say format" "say_team format"

"noprefix" "" "format_player" "format_player_team"
"flag" "" "format_admin" "format_admin_team"
:dance: connect :dance:

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:

OciXCrom's Rank System [XP|Levels|Ranks]

Мнение от OciXCrom » 21 Авг 2018, 16:23

Дали този файл е същият, който е в сървъра ти? Във файла, който си предоставил, префиксът е CRXRanks, а на снимката е RankSystem?

Извън линия
Мнения: 213
Регистриран на: 15 Окт 2017, 10:40
Се отблагодари: 9 пъти
Получена благодарност: 2 пъти

OciXCrom's Rank System [XP|Levels|Ranks]

Мнение от antonstoqnovv » 21 Авг 2018, 16:33

Да същия е просто какво ли не пробвах и колко ли пъти не го слагах,махах променях..
:dance: connect :dance:

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:

OciXCrom's Rank System [XP|Levels|Ranks]

Мнение от OciXCrom » 21 Авг 2018, 19:50

antonstoqnovv написа: 21 Авг 2018, 16:33 Да същия е просто какво ли не пробвах и колко ли пъти не го слагах,махах променях..
Провери сървърната конзола за грешки. Дай списък с плъгини от amx_plugins командата. Кажи с каква AMXX версия си и дали си компилирал плъгина ЛОКАЛНО?

Извън линия
Мнения: 213
Регистриран на: 15 Окт 2017, 10:40
Се отблагодари: 9 пъти
Получена благодарност: 2 пъти

OciXCrom's Rank System [XP|Levels|Ranks]

Мнение от antonstoqnovv » 22 Авг 2018, 12:03

В конзолата няма грешки!

Плъгините винаги ги компилирам тук: https://amx.freakz.ro/
AMXX версия: AMX Mod X 1.8.3


Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

 [  1] Advanced Bans           0.8.1       Exolent           advanced_bans.a  debug    
 [  2] Admin Base              1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     admin.amxx       running  
 [  3] Admin Commands          1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     admincmd.amxx    running  
 [  4] Slots Reservation       1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     adminslots.amxx  running  
 [  5] Menus Front-End         1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     menufront.amxx   running  
 [  6] Commands Menu           1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     cmdmenu.amxx     running  
 [  7] Players Menu            1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     plmenu_ab_base.  debug    
 [  8] Maps Menu               1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     mapsmenu.amxx    running  
 [  9] Plugin Menu             1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     pluginmenu.amxx  running  
 [ 10] OciXCrom's Admin Chat   3.1         OciXCrom          adminchat.amxx   running  
 [ 11] Anti Flood              1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     antiflood.amxx   running  
 [ 12] Admin Votes             1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     adminvote.amxx   running  
 [ 13] NextMap                 1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     nextmap.amxx     running  
 [ 14] Nextmap Chooser         1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     mapchooser.amxx  running  
 [ 15] TimeLeft                1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     timeleft.amxx    running  
 [ 16] Pause Plugins           1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     pausecfg.amxx    running  
 [ 17] Stats Configuration     1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     statscfg.amxx    running  
 [ 18] Restrict Weapons        1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     restmenu.amxx    running  
 [ 19] StatsX                  1.8.3-dev+  AMXX Dev Team     statsx.amxx      running  
 [ 20] Multi-Lingual System    1.8.3-manu  AMXX Dev Team     multilingual.am  running  
 [ 21] Auto Demo Recorder      1.5         IzI               demorecorder.am  running  
 [ 22] Gag System [nVault]     v1.2        k0st0v ;]         gagmenu.amxx     running  
 [ 23] Autoresponder/Advertis  0.5         MaximusBrood      ad_manager.amxx  running  
 [ 24] High Ping Kicker (WON)  0.16.2      OLO/shadow        high_ping_kicke  running  
 [ 25] No Name Change          0.1         VEN               noChangename.am  running  
 [ 26] amx_respawn             0.9.4       f117bomb          amx_respawn.amx  running  
 [ 27] Spec Switch             0.1.3       many              Spec_Switch.amx  running  
 [ 28] Reset Score             1.0         Silenttt          resetscore.amxx  running  
 [ 29] No Weapons On Ground    1.0         OciXCrom          orajiqzemq.amxx  running  
 [ 30] No Weapon Drop on Deat  0.2         VEN               noweapdropondea  running  
 [ 31] Admin Spectator ESP     1.3         KoST              admin_spec_esp.  running  
 [ 32] (Team-)Semiclip         1.2         SchlumPF*         team-semiclip.a  running  
 [ 33] Auto Balance            1.0         xPaw              auto_balance.am  running  
 [ 34] AMXX BanCfg             0.95        Safety1st         amx_bancfg.amxx  running  
 [ 35] Awp Battle              1.4         Virtual.New.BG    AwpBattle.amxx   running  
 [ 36] No Objectives           0.3         VEN               noobjectives.am  running  
 [ 37] Auto Join on Connect    0.1         VEN               auto_join_on_co  running  
 [ 38] OciXCrom's Rank System  2.4         OciXCrom          crx_ranksystem.  running  
 [ 39] Chat Manager            4.3         OciXCrom          crx_chatmanager  running  
:dance: connect :dance:

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:

OciXCrom's Rank System [XP|Levels|Ranks]

Мнение от OciXCrom » 22 Авг 2018, 14:54

Опитай да компилираш плъгина локално.

Извън линия
Мнения: 213
Регистриран на: 15 Окт 2017, 10:40
Се отблагодари: 9 пъти
Получена благодарност: 2 пъти

OciXCrom's Rank System [XP|Levels|Ranks]

Мнение от antonstoqnovv » 23 Авг 2018, 09:52

Не става ... ако можеш изпрати ми плъгина компилиран на скайп (deadlygame_1) ако не ще си използвам другия ранк
:dance: connect :dance:

Извън линия
Мнения: 1016
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 07:42
Местоположение: Бургас
Се отблагодари: 5 пъти
Получена благодарност: 84 пъти

OciXCrom's Rank System [XP|Levels|Ranks]

Мнение от TheRedShoko » 23 Авг 2018, 10:42

Стига с глупостите. Плъгините се компилират САМО локално, защото версията на АМХХ-а, който е на сървъра и този, който е в сайта може да не отговарят. Скоро ще имаме онлайн компилатор, който работи под 1.8.2 и 1.8.3, но до тогава няма да намериш компилиран АМХХ файл тук.

Извън линия
Мнения: 213
Регистриран на: 15 Окт 2017, 10:40
Се отблагодари: 9 пъти
Получена благодарност: 2 пъти

OciXCrom's Rank System [XP|Levels|Ranks]

Мнение от antonstoqnovv » 23 Авг 2018, 11:00

Ами добре обясни ми тогава как да го компилирам.. правя всичко по видеото което сте дали с урока,свалям компилатора от вашия линк също излиза ми конзолата на компилатора слагам сма файла и уж отива папката scripting/compiled обаче там го няма ..
:dance: connect :dance:

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