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CS1.BG | DUST2 NOSHTA GARMI [RANKED PLAY] de_dust2 Играчи: 2/32
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Counter-Strike 1.6
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DHUD Bullet Damage Plugin with Random Colors

В този раздел можете да подавате всякакви заявки за намиране, изработка или преработка на плъгини/модове.
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Местоположение: Bulgaria
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DHUD Bullet Damage Plugin with Random Colors

Мнение от SuperCHAOSXXX » 17 Яну 2019, 03:34

Здравейте. Може ли някой да ми направи такъв плугин за Bullet Damage или ако го има вече да ми даде линк:

Аз го имам плъгина от сайта им, но дават само .amxx файла без .sma-то. Шока е че не ми го показва както във видеото.
Последно промяна от OciXCrom на 17 Яну 2019, 12:05, променено общо 1 път.
Причина: Преместена тема!

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Местоположение: /resetscore
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Обратна връзка:

DHUD Bullet Damage Plugin with Random Colors

Мнение от OciXCrom » 17 Яну 2019, 12:05

Чети заглавията и описанията на разделите!

Редактирано с random цветове:

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

#include < amxmodx >
#include < engine >

#define VERSION "2.0"


new pCvar_VictimC, pCvar_OurselfC, pCvar_AttackerC, pCvar_BulletMode, pCvar_Bullet_Distance, pCvar_Bullet_Walls, 
pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec, pCvar_Bullet_Hs_Mode, pCvar_Bullet_Text_Mode, pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode, pCvar_Accumulated_Damage

new dhud_color, dhud_x, dhud_y, dhud_effect, dhud_fxtime, dhud_holdtime, dhud_fadeintime, dhud_fadeouttime, dhud_reliable

new Float: Yv[ 33 ], Float: Xv[ 33 ] /* Victim*/, Float: Ya[ 33 ], Float: Xa[ 33 ] // Attacker

new bool: ShowMeThisHud[ 33 ], MyCurrentDamages[ 33 ], iSyncObj

public plugin_init( ) 
	register_plugin( "Bullet Damage", VERSION, "Bboy Grun" )
	register_cvar( "Director_bullet_dmg", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY )
	set_cvar_string( "Director_bullet_dmg", VERSION )
	register_event( "Damage", "Event_Damage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0" ) 
	register_clcmd( "say /showbd", "Say_showbd" )
	register_clcmd( "say showbd", "Say_showbd" )
	iSyncObj = CreateHudSyncObj( )
	pCvar_BulletMode =     		register_cvar( "Bullet_Damage_Mode", "0" ) 
	pCvar_Bullet_Distance =    	register_cvar( "Bullet_Damage_Distance", "600" ) 
	pCvar_Bullet_Walls = 		register_cvar( "Bullet_Damage_NoShowWalls", "0" )
	pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec =		register_cvar( "Bullet_Show_Spec", "1" )
	pCvar_Bullet_Hs_Mode  = 		register_cvar( "Bullet_Hs_Mode", "2" )
	pCvar_Bullet_Text_Mode =	register_cvar( "Bullet_Text_Mode", "0" )
	pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode = 	register_cvar( "Bullet_Show_Mode", "3" )
	pCvar_Accumulated_Damage = 	register_cvar( "Show_Accumulated_Damage", "1" )
	pCvar_VictimC = 		register_cvar( "Color_RGB_Victim", "255000000" )
	pCvar_AttackerC = 		register_cvar( "Color_RGB_Attacker", "000255000" )
	pCvar_OurselfC =		register_cvar( "Color_RGB_Ourself_Teammate", "255102021" )

public plugin_natives( )
	register_native( "bd_show_damage", "native_bd_show_damage", 0 )
	register_native( "bd_show_text", "native_bd_show_text", 0 )

// HELP : Thanks to schmurgel1983
public native_bd_show_text( iPlugin, iParams )
	new id = get_param( 1 )
	if( !is_user_connected( id ) ) // user disconnected .. return 0
		return 0
	new Text[ 128 ], Attacker, Size
	Attacker = get_param( 2 )
	Size = get_param( 3 )
	get_string( 3, Text, charsmax( Text ) )
	show_client_text( id, Text, Attacker, Size )
	if( Attacker ) // Is the player attacker ? Yes = 1 -- No = 0
		CheckPosition( id, Attacker )
		return 1
	CheckPosition( id, 0 )
	return 1

public native_bd_show_damage( iPlugin, iParams )
	new id = get_param( 1 )
	if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
		return 0
	new damage, style, Attacker
	damage = get_param( 2 ); style = get_param( 3 ); Attacker = get_param( 4 )
	show_client_value( id, damage, Attacker, style )
	if( Attacker ) // Is the player attacker ? Yes = 1 -- No = 0
		CheckPosition( id, Attacker )
		return 1
	CheckPosition( id, 0 )
	return 1

// Director Hud Message, go to : by : ARKSHINE
public Event_Damage( Victim )
	static Attacker, AttackerWpn, VictimBodyPart
	Attacker = get_user_attacker( Victim, AttackerWpn, VictimBodyPart )
	if( !is_user_alive( Attacker ) || ( get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Walls ) && !is_visible( Attacker, Victim ) ) )
	static damage, R, G, B, pCvar_H, pCvar_TMODE 
	damage = read_data( 2 )
	pCvar_H = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Hs_Mode )
	pCvar_TMODE = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Text_Mode )
	static AttackerOrigin[ 3 ], VictimOrigin[ 3 ]
	if( Attacker != Victim && get_user_team( Attacker ) != get_user_team( Victim ) )
		if( pCvar_H > 0 && VictimBodyPart == HIT_HEAD )
			if( pCvar_H == 1 )
				show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
				show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
				show_client_text( Victim, "HEADSHOT", 0, pCvar_TMODE )
				show_client_text( Attacker, "HEADSHOT", 1, pCvar_TMODE )
			if( !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_BulletMode ) )
				show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
				show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
				get_user_origin( Attacker, AttackerOrigin )
				get_user_origin( Victim, VictimOrigin )
				if( get_distance( AttackerOrigin, VictimOrigin ) >  get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Distance ) )
					show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, NORMAL_HUD_MESSAGE )
					show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, NORMAL_HUD_MESSAGE )
					show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
					show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
		CheckPosition( Victim, 0 )
		CheckPosition( Attacker, 1 )
		if( MyCurrentDamages[ Attacker ] == -1 || !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Accumulated_Damage ) )
			 // MyCurrentDamages[ Attacker ] == -1 : The player is a BOT
		MyCurrentDamages[ Attacker ] += damage
		UpdateDamages( Attacker )
		static iColor; iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_OurselfC )
		R = iColor / 1000000
		iColor %= 1000000
		G = iColor / 1000
		B = iColor % 1000
		set_dhudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), -1.0, -1.0, 2, 0.0, 2.0, 0.1, 0.1 )
		show_dhudmessage( Victim, "%i", damage )    // Show the damages to the player

public Say_showbd( id ) 
	if( ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )
		ShowMeThisHud[ id ] = false
		client_print( id, print_chat, "[ BULLET DAMAGE %s ] STATUS : OFF", VERSION )
	client_print( id, print_chat, "[ BULLET DAMAGE %s ] STATUS : ON", VERSION )
	ShowMeThisHud[ id ] = true

public client_putinserver( id )
	iRefreshHudPosition( id )
	ShowMeThisHud[ id ] = true
	MyCurrentDamages[ id ] = is_user_bot( id ) ? -1 : 0
	// Don't show Current Accumulated Damages to bots

// Director Hud Message, go to : by : ARKSHINE

stock set_dhudmessage( red = 0, green = 160, blue = 0, Float:x = -1.0, Float:y = 0.65, effects = 2, Float:fxtime = 6.0, Float:holdtime = 3.0, Float:fadeintime = 0.1, Float:fadeouttime = 1.5, bool:reliable = false )
	#define clamp_byte(%1)       		( clamp( %1, 0, 255 ) )
	#define pack_color(%1,%2,%3)	( %3 + ( %2 << 8 ) + ( %1 << 16 ) )

	dhud_color		= 		pack_color( clamp_byte( red ), clamp_byte( green ), clamp_byte( blue ) )
	dhud_x 			=	_:	x
	dhud_y 			= 	_: 	y
	dhud_effect 		= 		effects
	dhud_fxtime 		= 	_: 	fxtime
	dhud_holdtime 		=	_: 	holdtime
	dhud_fadeintime 	=	_: 	fadeintime
	dhud_fadeouttime 	=	_: 	fadeouttime
	dhud_reliable 		= 	_: 	reliable

	return 1;

stock show_dhudmessage( index, const message[ ], any:... )
	new buffer[ 128 ]
	new numArguments = numargs( )

	if( numArguments == 2 )
		send_dhudMessage( index, message )
	else if( index || numArguments == 3 )
		vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 )
		send_dhudMessage( index, buffer )
		new playersList[ 32 ], numPlayers;
		get_players( playersList, numPlayers, "ch" )

		if( !numPlayers )
			return 0;

		new Array:handleArrayML = ArrayCreate()

		for( new i = 2, j; i < numArguments; i++ )
			if( getarg( i ) == LANG_PLAYER )
				while( ( buffer[ j ] = getarg( i + 1, j++ ) ) ) {}
				j = 0

				if( GetLangTransKey( buffer ) != TransKey_Bad )
					ArrayPushCell( handleArrayML, i++ )

		new size = ArraySize( handleArrayML )

		if( !size )
			vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 )
			send_dhudMessage( index, buffer )
			for( new i = 0, j; i < numPlayers; i++ )
				index = playersList[ i ]

				for( j = 0; j < size; j++ )
					setarg( ArrayGetCell( handleArrayML, j ), 0, index )
				vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 )
				send_dhudMessage( index, buffer )

		ArrayDestroy( handleArrayML )
	return 1;

stock send_dhudMessage( const index, const message[ ] )
	message_begin( dhud_reliable ? ( index ? MSG_ONE : MSG_ALL ) : ( index ? MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE : MSG_BROADCAST ), SVC_DIRECTOR, _, index )
		write_byte( strlen( message ) + 31 )
		write_byte( DRC_CMD_MESSAGE )
		write_byte( dhud_effect )
		write_long( dhud_color )
		write_long( dhud_x )
		write_long( dhud_y )
		write_long( dhud_fadeintime )
		write_long( dhud_fadeouttime )
		write_long( dhud_holdtime )
		write_long( dhud_fxtime )
		write_string( message )

UpdateDamages( id )
	if( !ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )
	set_hudmessage( 0, 255, 0, -1.0, -0.50, 0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1 )
	ShowSyncHudMsg( id, iSyncObj, "%d", MyCurrentDamages[ id ] )
	if( task_exists( 999_666_999 + id ) )
		remove_task( 999_666_999 + id ) 
	set_task( 5.0, "ResetCurrentDamages", 999_666_999 + id )

public ResetCurrentDamages( TaskID )
	MyCurrentDamages[ TaskID - 999_666_999 ] = 0

show_client_value( id, damage, Attacker, iSize )
	if( !ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )
	static iColor, R, G, B, Float: Y_Pos, Float: X_Pos
	if( Attacker ) // The user is the Attacker ( Attacker value = 1 )
		// Attacker
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_AttackerC )
		Y_Pos = Ya[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xa[ id ]
		// Victim
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_VictimC )
		Y_Pos = Yv[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xv[ id ]
	R = iColor / 1000000
	iColor %= 1000000
	G = iColor / 1000
	B = iColor % 1000
	if( iSize )
		set_hudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
		show_hudmessage( id, "%i", damage )
		set_dhudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
		show_dhudmessage( id, "%i", damage )
	if( !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec ) )
	SpectatorHud( id, damage, _, 0, iSize, Float: X_Pos, Float: Y_Pos, R, G, B )

show_client_text( id, iText[ ], Attacker, iSize )
	if( !ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )
	static iColor, R, G, B, Float: Y_Pos, Float: X_Pos
	if( Attacker ) // The user is the Attacker ( Attacker value = 1 )
		// Attacker
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_AttackerC )
		Y_Pos = Ya[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xa[ id ]
		// Victim
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_VictimC )
		Y_Pos = Yv[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xv[ id ]
	R = iColor / 1000000
	iColor %= 1000000
	G = iColor / 1000
	B = iColor % 1000
	if( !iSize )
		set_dhudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
		show_dhudmessage( id, "%s", iText )
		set_hudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1 )
		show_hudmessage( id, "%s", iText )
	if( !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec ) )
	SpectatorHud( id, _, iText, 1, iSize, Float: X_Pos, Float: Y_Pos, R, G, B )

SpectatorHud( id, iDamage = 0, iText[ ] = "", TextMode, Size, Float: X_Pos, Float: Y_Pos, R, G, B )
	static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "bch" )
	for( new i = 0, Spectator = iPlayers[ 0 ]; i < iNum; Spectator = iPlayers[ i++ ] )
		if( ShowMeThisHud[ Spectator ] && entity_get_int( Spectator, EV_INT_iuser2 ) == id )
			if( !Size )
				set_dhudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
				TextMode ? show_dhudmessage( Spectator, "%s", iText ) : show_dhudmessage( Spectator, "%d", iDamage )
				set_hudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1 )
				TextMode ? show_hudmessage( Spectator, "%s", iText ) : show_hudmessage( Spectator, "%d", iDamage )

iRefreshHudPosition( id )
	switch( get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode ) )
		case 0:
			Ya[ id ] = -0.50
			Xa[ id ] = -0.70
			Yv[ id ] = -0.45
			Xv[ id ] = -0.30
		case 1:
			Ya[ id ] = 0.55
			Xa[ id ] = 0.53
			Xv[ id ] = 0.45
			Yv[ id ] = 0.50
		case 2:
			Ya[ id ] = -0.35
			Xa[ id ] = -0.70
			Yv[ id ] = -0.20
			Xv[ id ] = -0.70
		case 3:
			Xv[ id ] = -0.80
			Yv[ id ] = -0.90
			Xa[ id ] = -0.20
			Ya[ id ] = -0.90

CheckPosition( id, Attacker )
	switch( get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode ) ) 
	// [ 0 = CIRCLE ] [ 1 = VERTICAL ] [ 2 = HORIZONTAL ] [ 3 = ARCH OF CIRCLE  ]
		case 0:
			if( Attacker )
				switch( Xa[ id ] )
					case -0.70: // First attack
						Xa[ id ] = -0.575
						Ya[ id ] = -0.60
					case -0.575: // Second
						Xa[ id ] = -0.50
						Ya[ id ] = -0.625
					case -0.50: // Third
						Xa[ id ] = -0.425
						Ya[ id ] = -0.60
					case -0.425: // Fourth
						Xa[ id ] = -0.30
						Ya[ id ] = -0.50
					case -0.30: // Last
						Xa[ id ] = -0.70
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
				switch( Xv[ id ] )
					case -0.30: // First attack
						Xv[ id ] = -0.425
						Yv[ id ] = -0.35
					case -0.425: // Second
						Xv[ id ] = -0.50
						Yv[ id ] = -0.30
					case -0.50: // Third
						Xv[ id ] = -0.575
						Yv[ id ] = -0.35
					case -0.575: // fourth
						Xv[ id ] = -0.70
						Yv[ id ] = -0.45
					case -0.70: // Last
						Xv[ id ] = -0.30
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
		case 1:
			if( Attacker ) 
				Ya[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Ya[ id ] >= 0.90 )
					Ya[ id ] = 0.55
				Yv[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Yv[ id ] >= 0.85 )
					Yv[ id ] = 0.50
		case 2:
			if( Attacker )
				Xa[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Xa[ id ] >= -0.35 )
					Xa[ id ] = -0.70
				Xa[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Xv[ id ] >= -0.35 )
					Xv[ id ] = -0.70
		case 3:
			if( Attacker )
				switch( Xa[ id ] )
					case -0.20: // First attack
						if( Ya[ id ] == -0.20 )
							Xa[ id ] = -0.20
							Ya[ id ] = -0.90
							Xa[ id ] = -0.15
							Ya[ id ] = -0.80
					case -0.15:
						switch( Ya[ id ] )
							case -0.80: Ya[ id ] = -0.70
							case -0.70: Ya[ id ] = -0.60
							case -0.60: Ya[ id ] = -0.50
							case -0.50: Ya[ id ] = -0.40
							case -0.40: Ya[ id ] = -0.30
							case -0.30:
								Xa[ id ] = -0.20
								Ya[ id ] = -0.20
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
				switch( Xv[ id ] )
					case -0.80: // First attack
						if( Yv[ id ] == -0.20 )
							Xv[ id ] = -0.80
							Yv[ id ] = -0.90
							Xv[ id ] = -0.85
							Yv[ id ] = -0.80
					case -0.85:
						switch( Yv[ id ] )
							case -0.80: Yv[ id ] = -0.70
							case -0.70: Yv[ id ] = -0.60
							case -0.60: Yv[ id ] = -0.50
							case -0.50: Yv[ id ] = -0.40
							case -0.40: Yv[ id ] = -0.30
							case -0.30:
								Xv[ id ] = -0.80
								Yv[ id ] = -0.20
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
		default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1036\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }

Извън линия
Мнения: 52
Регистриран на: 28 Юли 2017, 15:56
Местоположение: Bulgaria
Се отблагодари: 3 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1 път
Обратна връзка:

DHUD Bullet Damage Plugin with Random Colors

Мнение от SuperCHAOSXXX » 17 Яну 2019, 14:55

К сори :D. Ще тествам.

Added in 23 minutes 7 seconds:
К Мерси, всичко работи перфектно :) Но ми искара грешка със compile.exe, затова компилирах със този :D.
Мисля че плугина не е ъпдейтнат за 1.8.2/1.8.3/1.9.0 може би заради това искарва грешки.

Извън линия
Мнения: 65
Регистриран на: 06 Яну 2019, 21:37
Се отблагодари: 6 пъти
Получена благодарност: 4 пъти

DHUD Bullet Damage Plugin with Random Colors

Мнение от Destro » 17 Яну 2019, 16:32

Кажи каква грешка изкарва !?

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1309 пъти
Обратна връзка:

DHUD Bullet Damage Plugin with Random Colors

Мнение от OciXCrom » 17 Яну 2019, 22:34

За пореден път - плъгини направени за по-стара версия ВИНАГИ ще работят на по-нова версия. Стига сте говорили глупости, че плъгинът не е бил ъпдейтнат. Като имаш грешка, кажи каква е тя.

Извън линия
Мнения: 52
Регистриран на: 28 Юли 2017, 15:56
Местоположение: Bulgaria
Се отблагодари: 3 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1 път
Обратна връзка:

DHUD Bullet Damage Plugin with Random Colors

Мнение от SuperCHAOSXXX » 17 Яну 2019, 22:57

Ето я грешката:

//// bullet_damage.sma
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(186) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "B"
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(184) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "G"
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(182) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "R"
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(216) : error 021: symbol already defined: "set_dhudmessage"
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(221) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(231) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(234) : error 021: symbol already defined: "show_dhudmessage"
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(239) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(243) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(247) : error 021: symbol already defined: "send_dhudMessage"
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(248) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(251) : error 021: symbol already defined: "get_players"
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(253) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(255) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(260) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(262) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(264) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(267) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(276) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(280) : error 021: symbol already defined: "send_dhudMessage"
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(281) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(283) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(287) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(292) : error 021: symbol already defined: "vformat"
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(294) : error 021: symbol already defined: "send_dhudMessage"
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(295) : error 054: unmatched closing brace
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(297) : error 021: symbol already defined: "ArrayDestroy"
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(299) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\bullet_damage.sma(302) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
// Compilation aborted.
// 26 Errors.
// Could not locate output file D:\New Folder\Valve Software\Half-Life Anthology\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\compiled\bullet_damage.amx (compile failed).
// Compilation Time: 0.58 sec
// ----------------------------------------

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Мнения: 18
Регистриран на: 22 Дек 2017, 17:57

DHUD Bullet Damage Plugin with Random Colors

Мнение от KnowN » 17 Яну 2019, 22:57

Всяко нещо в живота се заплаща с кръв, с пот, със сълзи, с лични жертви. Затова не завиждай, не знаеш кой с какво е платил. ;))

Извън линия
Мнения: 52
Регистриран на: 28 Юли 2017, 15:56
Местоположение: Bulgaria
Се отблагодари: 3 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1 път
Обратна връзка:

DHUD Bullet Damage Plugin with Random Colors

Мнение от SuperCHAOSXXX » 18 Яну 2019, 01:55

Това е само .amxx файл, не дават .sma-то.

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1309 пъти
Обратна връзка:

DHUD Bullet Damage Plugin with Random Colors

Мнение от OciXCrom » 18 Яну 2019, 14:43

Ще получиш предупреждения заради неизползвани символи, игнорирай ги. Не ми се занимава да търся цветовете навсякъде в кода и да ги премахвам.

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

#include < amxmodx >
#include < engine >

#define VERSION "2.0"


new pCvar_VictimC, pCvar_OurselfC, pCvar_AttackerC, pCvar_BulletMode, pCvar_Bullet_Distance, pCvar_Bullet_Walls,
pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec, pCvar_Bullet_Hs_Mode, pCvar_Bullet_Text_Mode, pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode, pCvar_Accumulated_Damage

new dhud_color, dhud_x, dhud_y, dhud_effect, dhud_fxtime, dhud_holdtime, dhud_fadeintime, dhud_fadeouttime, dhud_reliable

new Float: Yv[ 33 ], Float: Xv[ 33 ] /* Victim*/, Float: Ya[ 33 ], Float: Xa[ 33 ] // Attacker

new bool: ShowMeThisHud[ 33 ], MyCurrentDamages[ 33 ], iSyncObj

public plugin_init( )
	register_plugin( "Bullet Damage", VERSION, "Bboy Grun" )

	register_cvar( "Director_bullet_dmg", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY )
	set_cvar_string( "Director_bullet_dmg", VERSION )

	register_event( "Damage", "Event_Damage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0" )

	register_clcmd( "say /showbd", "Say_showbd" )
	register_clcmd( "say showbd", "Say_showbd" )

	iSyncObj = CreateHudSyncObj( )

	pCvar_BulletMode =     		register_cvar( "Bullet_Damage_Mode", "0" )
	pCvar_Bullet_Distance =    	register_cvar( "Bullet_Damage_Distance", "600" )
	pCvar_Bullet_Walls = 		register_cvar( "Bullet_Damage_NoShowWalls", "0" )
	pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec =		register_cvar( "Bullet_Show_Spec", "1" )
	pCvar_Bullet_Hs_Mode  = 		register_cvar( "Bullet_Hs_Mode", "2" )
	pCvar_Bullet_Text_Mode =	register_cvar( "Bullet_Text_Mode", "0" )
	pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode = 	register_cvar( "Bullet_Show_Mode", "3" )
	pCvar_Accumulated_Damage = 	register_cvar( "Show_Accumulated_Damage", "1" )

	pCvar_VictimC = 		register_cvar( "Color_RGB_Victim", "255000000" )
	pCvar_AttackerC = 		register_cvar( "Color_RGB_Attacker", "000255000" )
	pCvar_OurselfC =		register_cvar( "Color_RGB_Ourself_Teammate", "255102021" )

public plugin_natives( )
	register_native( "bd_show_damage", "native_bd_show_damage", 0 )
	register_native( "bd_show_text", "native_bd_show_text", 0 )

// HELP : Thanks to schmurgel1983
public native_bd_show_text( iPlugin, iParams )
	new id = get_param( 1 )

	if( !is_user_connected( id ) ) // user disconnected .. return 0
		return 0

	new Text[ 128 ], Attacker, Size

	Attacker = get_param( 2 )
	Size = get_param( 3 )

	get_string( 3, Text, charsmax( Text ) )
	show_client_text( id, Text, Attacker, Size )

	if( Attacker ) // Is the player attacker ? Yes = 1 -- No = 0
		CheckPosition( id, Attacker )
		return 1

	CheckPosition( id, 0 )
	return 1

public native_bd_show_damage( iPlugin, iParams )
	new id = get_param( 1 )

	if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
		return 0

	new damage, style, Attacker
	damage = get_param( 2 ); style = get_param( 3 ); Attacker = get_param( 4 )

	show_client_value( id, damage, Attacker, style )

	if( Attacker ) // Is the player attacker ? Yes = 1 -- No = 0
		CheckPosition( id, Attacker )
		return 1

	CheckPosition( id, 0 )
	return 1

// Director Hud Message, go to : by : ARKSHINE
public Event_Damage( Victim )
	static Attacker, AttackerWpn, VictimBodyPart
	Attacker = get_user_attacker( Victim, AttackerWpn, VictimBodyPart )

	if( !is_user_alive( Attacker ) || ( get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Walls ) && !is_visible( Attacker, Victim ) ) )

	static damage, R, G, B, pCvar_H, pCvar_TMODE
	damage = read_data( 2 )

	pCvar_H = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Hs_Mode )
	pCvar_TMODE = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Text_Mode )

	static AttackerOrigin[ 3 ], VictimOrigin[ 3 ]

	if( Attacker != Victim && get_user_team( Attacker ) != get_user_team( Victim ) )
		if( pCvar_H > 0 && VictimBodyPart == HIT_HEAD )
			if( pCvar_H == 1 )
				show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
				show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
				show_client_text( Victim, "HEADSHOT", 0, pCvar_TMODE )
				show_client_text( Attacker, "HEADSHOT", 1, pCvar_TMODE )
			if( !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_BulletMode ) )
				show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
				show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )

				get_user_origin( Attacker, AttackerOrigin )
				get_user_origin( Victim, VictimOrigin )

				if( get_distance( AttackerOrigin, VictimOrigin ) >  get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Distance ) )
					show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, NORMAL_HUD_MESSAGE )
					show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, NORMAL_HUD_MESSAGE )
					show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
					show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )

		CheckPosition( Victim, 0 )
		CheckPosition( Attacker, 1 )

		if( MyCurrentDamages[ Attacker ] == -1 || !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Accumulated_Damage ) )
			 // MyCurrentDamages[ Attacker ] == -1 : The player is a BOT

		MyCurrentDamages[ Attacker ] += damage
		UpdateDamages( Attacker )
		static iColor; iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_OurselfC )
		R = iColor / 1000000
		iColor %= 1000000
		G = iColor / 1000
		B = iColor % 1000

		set_dhudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), -1.0, -1.0, 2, 0.0, 2.0, 0.1, 0.1 )
		show_dhudmessage( Victim, "%i", damage )    // Show the damages to the player

public Say_showbd( id )
	if( ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )
		ShowMeThisHud[ id ] = false
		client_print( id, print_chat, "[ BULLET DAMAGE %s ] STATUS : OFF", VERSION )

	client_print( id, print_chat, "[ BULLET DAMAGE %s ] STATUS : ON", VERSION )
	ShowMeThisHud[ id ] = true

public client_putinserver( id )
	iRefreshHudPosition( id )

	ShowMeThisHud[ id ] = true
	MyCurrentDamages[ id ] = is_user_bot( id ) ? -1 : 0

	// Don't show Current Accumulated Damages to bots

// Director Hud Message, go to : by : ARKSHINE

stock set_dhudmessage( red = 0, green = 160, blue = 0, Float:x = -1.0, Float:y = 0.65, effects = 2, Float:fxtime = 6.0, Float:holdtime = 3.0, Float:fadeintime = 0.1, Float:fadeouttime = 1.5, bool:reliable = false )
	#define clamp_byte(%1)       		( clamp( %1, 0, 255 ) )
	#define pack_color(%1,%2,%3)	( %3 + ( %2 << 8 ) + ( %1 << 16 ) )

	dhud_color		= 		pack_color( clamp_byte( red ), clamp_byte( green ), clamp_byte( blue ) )
	dhud_x 			=	_:	x
	dhud_y 			= 	_: 	y
	dhud_effect 		= 		effects
	dhud_fxtime 		= 	_: 	fxtime
	dhud_holdtime 		=	_: 	holdtime
	dhud_fadeintime 	=	_: 	fadeintime
	dhud_fadeouttime 	=	_: 	fadeouttime
	dhud_reliable 		= 	_: 	reliable

	return 1;

stock show_dhudmessage( index, const message[ ], any:... )
	new buffer[ 128 ]
	new numArguments = numargs( )

	if( numArguments == 2 )
		send_dhudMessage( index, message )
	else if( index || numArguments == 3 )
		vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 )
		send_dhudMessage( index, buffer )
		new playersList[ 32 ], numPlayers;
		get_players( playersList, numPlayers, "ch" )

		if( !numPlayers )
			return 0;

		new Array:handleArrayML = ArrayCreate()

		for( new i = 2, j; i < numArguments; i++ )
			if( getarg( i ) == LANG_PLAYER )
				while( ( buffer[ j ] = getarg( i + 1, j++ ) ) ) {}
				j = 0

				if( GetLangTransKey( buffer ) != TransKey_Bad )
					ArrayPushCell( handleArrayML, i++ )

		new size = ArraySize( handleArrayML )

		if( !size )
			vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 )
			send_dhudMessage( index, buffer )
			for( new i = 0, j; i < numPlayers; i++ )
				index = playersList[ i ]

				for( j = 0; j < size; j++ )
					setarg( ArrayGetCell( handleArrayML, j ), 0, index )

				vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 )
				send_dhudMessage( index, buffer )

		ArrayDestroy( handleArrayML )
	return 1;

stock send_dhudMessage( const index, const message[ ] )
	message_begin( dhud_reliable ? ( index ? MSG_ONE : MSG_ALL ) : ( index ? MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE : MSG_BROADCAST ), SVC_DIRECTOR, _, index )
		write_byte( strlen( message ) + 31 )
		write_byte( DRC_CMD_MESSAGE )
		write_byte( dhud_effect )
		write_long( dhud_color )
		write_long( dhud_x )
		write_long( dhud_y )
		write_long( dhud_fadeintime )
		write_long( dhud_fadeouttime )
		write_long( dhud_holdtime )
		write_long( dhud_fxtime )
		write_string( message )

UpdateDamages( id )
	if( !ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )

	set_hudmessage( 0, 255, 0, -1.0, -0.50, 0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1 )
	ShowSyncHudMsg( id, iSyncObj, "%d", MyCurrentDamages[ id ] )

	if( task_exists( 999_666_999 + id ) )
		remove_task( 999_666_999 + id )

	set_task( 5.0, "ResetCurrentDamages", 999_666_999 + id )

public ResetCurrentDamages( TaskID )
	MyCurrentDamages[ TaskID - 999_666_999 ] = 0

show_client_value( id, damage, Attacker, iSize )
	if( !ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )

	static iColor, R, G, B, Float: Y_Pos, Float: X_Pos

	if( Attacker ) // The user is the Attacker ( Attacker value = 1 )
		// Attacker
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_AttackerC )
		Y_Pos = Ya[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xa[ id ]
		// Victim
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_VictimC )
		Y_Pos = Yv[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xv[ id ]

	R = iColor / 1000000
	iColor %= 1000000
	G = iColor / 1000
	B = iColor % 1000

	if( iSize )
		set_hudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
		show_hudmessage( id, "%i", damage )
		set_dhudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
		show_dhudmessage( id, "%i", damage )

	if( !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec ) )

	SpectatorHud( id, damage, _, 0, iSize, Float: X_Pos, Float: Y_Pos, R, G, B )

show_client_text( id, iText[ ], Attacker, iSize )
	if( !ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )

	static iColor, R, G, B, Float: Y_Pos, Float: X_Pos

	if( Attacker ) // The user is the Attacker ( Attacker value = 1 )
		// Attacker
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_AttackerC )
		Y_Pos = Ya[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xa[ id ]
		// Victim
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_VictimC )
		Y_Pos = Yv[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xv[ id ]

	R = iColor / 1000000
	iColor %= 1000000
	G = iColor / 1000
	B = iColor % 1000

	if( !iSize )
		set_dhudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
		show_dhudmessage( id, "%s", iText )
		set_hudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1 )
		show_hudmessage( id, "%s", iText )

	if( !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec ) )

	SpectatorHud( id, _, iText, 1, iSize, Float: X_Pos, Float: Y_Pos, R, G, B )

SpectatorHud( id, iDamage = 0, iText[ ] = "", TextMode, Size, Float: X_Pos, Float: Y_Pos, R, G, B )
	static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "bch" )

	for( new i = 0, Spectator = iPlayers[ 0 ]; i < iNum; Spectator = iPlayers[ i++ ] )
		if( ShowMeThisHud[ Spectator ] && entity_get_int( Spectator, EV_INT_iuser2 ) == id )
			if( !Size )
				set_dhudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
				TextMode ? show_dhudmessage( Spectator, "%s", iText ) : show_dhudmessage( Spectator, "%d", iDamage )
				set_hudmessage( random(256), random(256), random(256), X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1 )
				TextMode ? show_hudmessage( Spectator, "%s", iText ) : show_hudmessage( Spectator, "%d", iDamage )

iRefreshHudPosition( id )
	switch( get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode ) )
		case 0:
			Ya[ id ] = -0.50
			Xa[ id ] = -0.70

			Yv[ id ] = -0.45
			Xv[ id ] = -0.30

		case 1:
			Ya[ id ] = 0.55
			Xa[ id ] = 0.53

			Xv[ id ] = 0.45
			Yv[ id ] = 0.50
		case 2:
			Ya[ id ] = -0.35
			Xa[ id ] = -0.70

			Yv[ id ] = -0.20
			Xv[ id ] = -0.70
		case 3:
			Xv[ id ] = -0.80
			Yv[ id ] = -0.90

			Xa[ id ] = -0.20
			Ya[ id ] = -0.90

CheckPosition( id, Attacker )
	switch( get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode ) )
	// [ 0 = CIRCLE ] [ 1 = VERTICAL ] [ 2 = HORIZONTAL ] [ 3 = ARCH OF CIRCLE  ]
		case 0:
			if( Attacker )
				switch( Xa[ id ] )
					case -0.70: // First attack
						Xa[ id ] = -0.575
						Ya[ id ] = -0.60
					case -0.575: // Second
						Xa[ id ] = -0.50
						Ya[ id ] = -0.625
					case -0.50: // Third
						Xa[ id ] = -0.425
						Ya[ id ] = -0.60
					case -0.425: // Fourth
						Xa[ id ] = -0.30
						Ya[ id ] = -0.50
					case -0.30: // Last
						Xa[ id ] = -0.70
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
				switch( Xv[ id ] )
					case -0.30: // First attack
						Xv[ id ] = -0.425
						Yv[ id ] = -0.35
					case -0.425: // Second
						Xv[ id ] = -0.50
						Yv[ id ] = -0.30
					case -0.50: // Third
						Xv[ id ] = -0.575
						Yv[ id ] = -0.35
					case -0.575: // fourth
						Xv[ id ] = -0.70
						Yv[ id ] = -0.45
					case -0.70: // Last
						Xv[ id ] = -0.30
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
		case 1:
			if( Attacker )
				Ya[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Ya[ id ] >= 0.90 )
					Ya[ id ] = 0.55
				Yv[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Yv[ id ] >= 0.85 )
					Yv[ id ] = 0.50
		case 2:
			if( Attacker )
				Xa[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Xa[ id ] >= -0.35 )
					Xa[ id ] = -0.70
				Xa[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Xv[ id ] >= -0.35 )
					Xv[ id ] = -0.70
		case 3:
			if( Attacker )
				switch( Xa[ id ] )
					case -0.20: // First attack

						if( Ya[ id ] == -0.20 )
							Xa[ id ] = -0.20
							Ya[ id ] = -0.90
							Xa[ id ] = -0.15
							Ya[ id ] = -0.80
					case -0.15:
						switch( Ya[ id ] )
							case -0.80: Ya[ id ] = -0.70
							case -0.70: Ya[ id ] = -0.60
							case -0.60: Ya[ id ] = -0.50
							case -0.50: Ya[ id ] = -0.40
							case -0.40: Ya[ id ] = -0.30
							case -0.30:
								Xa[ id ] = -0.20
								Ya[ id ] = -0.20
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
				switch( Xv[ id ] )
					case -0.80: // First attack

						if( Yv[ id ] == -0.20 )
							Xv[ id ] = -0.80
							Yv[ id ] = -0.90
							Xv[ id ] = -0.85
							Yv[ id ] = -0.80
					case -0.85:
						switch( Yv[ id ] )
							case -0.80: Yv[ id ] = -0.70
							case -0.70: Yv[ id ] = -0.60
							case -0.60: Yv[ id ] = -0.50
							case -0.50: Yv[ id ] = -0.40
							case -0.40: Yv[ id ] = -0.30
							case -0.30:
								Xv[ id ] = -0.80
								Yv[ id ] = -0.20
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
		default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1036\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }

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Мнения: 52
Регистриран на: 28 Юли 2017, 15:56
Местоположение: Bulgaria
Се отблагодари: 3 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1 път
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DHUD Bullet Damage Plugin with Random Colors

Мнение от SuperCHAOSXXX » 18 Яну 2019, 15:05

К. Няма проблем, то безтуй не е твоя работа, дали файла ще се смени или ъпдейтни е работа на самия автор :). Не ма разбирай погрешно. Мерси за информацията.

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